How to Convert Windows 7/Vista/Xp Into Windows 8. Hack Windows 7/Vista/Xp Interface to look like Windows 8. Many of us who love Windows 7 still can't wait until the release of Windows 8, For those who have been following the Windows Build Team, you've most likely downloaded the Windows 8 Developers Preview ISO to test and get a fill of the functions of Windows 8 and if not that then you've took a peak at the Windows 8 PDF file. But if that isn't enough for your eyes then you can hack the Windows 7/Vista/Xp OS (operating system) to get a better fill of how Windows 8 will be developed.


Mosaic Project

Mosaic Project is a portable applications that brings Metro UI to the desktop. It displays content from the web and or from your computer. Mosaic looks similar to Windows 8.


  • Windows 7 Not Tested On Vista/Xp
  • .NET Framework 4.0


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