1. Someone on his status "Sleeping" since 3 Days! He's Probably dead.

2. Someone is "Driving" since 5 days! I guess he reached Dubai!!

3. Someone's status is "Happy" since 1 Month. Living in Paradise???

4. Someone is always 'available'. How free Are you?????

5. From first day their status is, 'Hey there! I'm using WhatsApp' I Know ! That's why you're on my list!

6. Someone writes "urgent calls only". Dont get it.. Are u in the police or ambulance service?

7. Someone says, "can't talk. Whatsapp only". Dude then throw away ur phone.. You are not using the phone's Primary function

8. Someone is 'at d movies' for d past 6 weeks. Either he owns d theatre or sells popcorn here....

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