We’re a smaller company and trying to have a little fun and get a message and see how it resonates with some of the consumers ...
John J Legere is the American businessman who is known to one and all as the CEO and the President of the T- Mobile US. T- Mobile is the fourth largest cellular carrier. Commonly referred to as the most dangerous man in the wireless industry, John Legere has helped T-Mobile witness its first ever highest customer growth in just four years. As per the statements of Jon Legere, T-Mobile always wanted to be the cool wireless carrier for the hip people.

John Legere had always tried to portray himself as an outsider among the executives in the telecom industry. He had let his hair grow; he swapped suits as well as ties for his coloured T-shirt, his jacket and his jeans with hipster sneakers. The implied image after this effort was that of an average guy. Behind this outfit was the person who can easily compete with the best of the executives in the telecom industry. He was described as the determined and the purposeful person who wanted to climb the ranks as quickly as possible.

The T-mobile US boosts of about 45,000 employees, the average age of whose is about 30 years. Most of the employees are the excited group of people who always wanted to be different. John Legere is known to be the most suitable for this position and one of the first policies he had to change after he had taken over as the CEO of this firm is the outlawing of the tattoos and the piercing. The job at T-Mobile brings the present CEO back to the place he has started. He had first known to have worked with the telecom company New England Telephone and later spent 2 years after that for raising the ranks at the A & T.

It can be stated that John Legere indeed has a unique strategy of running the telecom giant as he had succeeded in gaining the attention of even those who are not the customers of T-mobile US. It can be stated that his efforts are paying off. As per the reports of the company’s earnings, T-Mobile had already added 4.4 million customers from the previous year, and its revenues rose by 39%. This proves that the popularity pays off, and John Legere has convinced customers to switch to the everyday low plans offered by T-Mobile.

Early Days and Education
John Legere was born in the year 1958 in Massachusetts. Mr. Legere had completed his graduation from St. Bernard's Central Catholic School, which is located with Fitchburg. He was aspired to become a gym teacher and later he realised what he would be paid as a gym teacher, he decided to study business. He then completed his bachelor’s in Business administration from the University of Massachusetts and later went ahead to complete his Masters of the Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology along with a Masters in Business Administration from the Fairleigh Dickinson University. John Legere has also completed the Program for Management Development from the prestigious Harvard Business School.

The Spark
John Legere is present Chief Executive Officer as well as the President of the T-Mobile US and has been serving in this position from April 30th of 2013. Mr. Legere also serves as the Chief Executive Officer and President of the GSV LLC and Metropcs Networks Florida, LLC. He also served as the CEO of Global Crossing Ltd and also for its subsidiary which is named Global Crossing Holdings Ltd. He also served as the President and CEO of the Asia Global Crossing Ltd from the month of February 2000 till the January of 2002. He had also served as the CEO of Sanrise Group Inc. in the year 2000. John Legere also has a decade of experience in the industry of telecommunications, and he had also led the firm Asia Global Crossing through amazing success.

He also served as the senior Vice president for the Dell Computer Corporation and also held positions like the President and Chief Operations Officer for the operations in Dell for their Europe office, Middle East office as well as their office located in Africa. He also worked with AT&T Asia and Pacific as their President and Chief Executive Officer and also had spent time as the head of the AT&T Global Strategy and Business Development.

Mr. Legere also serves as the President of Hutchison Global Crossing Limited, along with being the Director of CTIA Wireless Internet Caucus. He also served as the Director of the Global Crossing Ltd from the year 2001 October to 2003 December. John Legere also serves as the Director of ON Semiconductor Corp along with serving as the Director of Sanrise Group Inc as well as Asia Global Crossing Ltd from the year 2000 April to 2002 March.

His Journey with T- Mobile
John Legere was named as the Chief Executive Officer and the President of T- Mobile US. He has taken the place of Philipp Humm. Mr. Legere took over then position when the US carrier, then in its 4th position was struggling with customer defections which was seen more with the contract customers of T-mobile. Mr. Legere is said to be implementing some bold as well as strategic initiatives to help improve the company’s position in the market and also expand its network coverage.

At that moment, T-mobile was the only US carrier without an iPhone to sell to its customers. At the moment T-mobile, under the supervision of Mr. Legere is trying to conquer market a of 3G and make their services more adaptable with iPhone. They are also planning to come up with cheaper plans to encourage the customers to switch from other carriers to T-mobile.

John Legere has also shown his cost cutting skills during his tenure with Global Crossing, and thus T-Mobile also hopes to see some of his cost cutting charms. T-mobile has also very recently stated that they are going to pay early termination fees for those customers who switch to T-Mobile from other service providers. They have also slashed the subsidies for the smart phone users. The company also has entered a deal with Apple Inc and planning to modernize their network and including a faster LTE at the same time.

John Legere was born in the year 1958 in Massachusetts. He had later finished his studies from Massachusetts. Known to be calm, cool and collected person, he had achieved great heights after spending almost a decade with the firm Global Crossing. He is known as a person who would push boundaries and a person who is capable of cracking jokes while in his pink tee shirt and taking his staff through the company’s plans.

John Legere is also national level competitive runner who used to and still takes part in corporate challenge events with his employees in order to promote team spirit and community.

Awards & Accolades
John Legere had completed the Boston Marathon and was a member of Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team and helped the team raise $85,000 towards the charity to fight cancer.
Mr. Legere is also an advisory member of the board of the School of Business and Management from Hong Kong, The University of Science and Technology.
He is also a member of the advisory board of the Government Relations Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong.
Professional Affiliations
AT&T Corp.
Global Crossing Ltd.
T-Mobile US, Inc.
Dell Inc.
ON Semiconductor Corp.
Sanrise Group Inc.
Asia Global Crossing Ltd.
Hutchison Global Communications Limited
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University Of Massachusetts
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Telekom Deutschland GmbH
Global Crossing Holdings Ltd
CTIA Wireless Internet Caucus
T-Mobile Global Holding GmbH
Impsat Chile SA
MetroPCS Networks Florida, LLC
Keep on whining, we'll keep enhancing our network.
We are either going to take over this whole industry, or these bastards are going to change, and the whole industry is going to shift. I don't give a g--damn which. I can't wait to watch the peckers scream and cry.
All the disruption in the world doesn't mean s#!t without a network to back it up
Not every show needs to reach the same size of audience, or same width, of a 'Sopranos'..
When somebody sings and they suck, go next
It's not Joe Schmoe pulling down porn tha's the problem... It's the data cap..
What I've got is an organization of about 45,000 people where the average age is about 30. It's a young, very excited group of people who want to be different.
Sprint is the carrier that's really good at announcing a network rollout without actually rolling out a network..
We're a smaller company and trying to have a little fun and get a message and see how it resonates with some of the consumers..

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