Weight is one issue that 90% of the people are not happy with. While some think they have a fat stomach or thighs, others want to reduce their biceps or arm size. Changing food habits and sedentary lifestyles have made weight loss a big challenge. Losing weight is not just about looking good, but also about living healthy.
The journey of weight loss is a tedious one and in a way never ending. Because it is not just about losing weight, but maintaining it. If you were overweight to begin with, then the changes that you are prone to bounce back to your previous weight are quite high.  However, as much as it may sound tedious, it is not impossible. There are some things that people who have succeeded in losing weight do.
Dt. Shwetaa Shahii
Nutrition Counselor Course in Bariatric Surgery, Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education, Role of Nutrition in Diabetes, ICU & Gastroenterology , Diploma in Paediatric Nutrition, Diploma in Total Nutrition Therapy course, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, Diploma in Dietetics and Nutrition 
Dietitian/Nutritionist • 1 Person helped • 11 Years experience
 Dt. Shwetaa Shahii - Dietitian/Nutritionist

The below are just a few of the top things, there are definitely more:
  1. Discipline: Whether to say no to the extremely appealing cheese laden pizza or your favourite alcoholic drink, when you are on the way to weight loss, you need to say NO. A loud, affirmative, clear NO. Every single thing that you put into your system needs to be watched for. The same affirmative NO is required for the urge to sleep for that extra few minutes and delay your workout.  You just have to be hard on yourself - discipline, self-control, strong will, or commitment - whatever you want to call it, this is the most important ingredient that weight loss winners would vouch for. Without this, no amount of coaxing by your trainer or dietician or doctor is going to work. The final onus and the single determining factor in your weight loss is you - you decide if you win or lose. 
  2. Set realistic goals: Just because you idolize a sportsperson or a movie star does not mean you should set target to look like them.  Each person's body composition is different, which will determine your looks and weight. Consult with experts who know the subject and set realistic goals. While some may be able to lose 10 kilos or pounds over 10 days, others might only to able to accomplish 3 to 4.  Do not fret over this, realize that your body as unique and set goals based on how it will respond.
  3. Winners keep scores: As you embark on your weight loss journey, remember to keep scores. Set up milestones by weeks and months, and make sure you track and meet them.  If you are falling short, step back and analyze and work at it.  Once you have reached your target of the initial loss, keep scores in terms of what you can eat and exercise and track those too.
  4. Enjoy the grind: If you look at weight loss as something you are doing to please somebody, then you are going to find it more difficult. The most important ingredient is to realize that you are doing it for yourself and to enjoy the entire journey of weight loss. Feel good about your altered food habits and exercise and look at the mirror to appreciate the small changes that your body is going through. Feel good about every inch you lose, and you are sure to lose more.

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