9 types of job interview
Reading this post help you know how to face all types of job interview.
1. Screening Interview
Screening Interview may be conducted online or by reviewing application forms of candidates. Phone call may also be a mean of screening potential candidates. The purpose of this task is to make a candidate pool including those who qualify certain criteria and to make next interview phases easier and less candidates. Questions may be asked during this step; however, main details should only be included in your resume.
2. Phone Interview
The goal of phone interview is to make a short-list of potential candidates for the job and for face-to-face interview process. Another goal is that it is more convenient if the employer wishes to recruit those who are far from the company and therefore, coming to the company for a direct interview shall be difficult and costly.
3. Stress interview
Stress Interview is such a technique that may be very hard for candidates but very effective in recruiting those excellent candidates who can handle a job of high pressure. The interviewers may make some “unreasonable” requests such as asking the candidates to come earlier, do many things at the same time, asking them difficult questions… and observe their reaction.
4. Group Interview
A group of interviewers (some may call it a panel) includes managers, supervisors, senior employees, human resource personnel, or even employees of the same department. Each of these shall make different questions when the discussion among the group of candidates finishes.
5. Panel Interview
In a Panel Interview, the candidates shall be asked a series of questions by each of panel members. Since the candidates are supposed to answer a number of questions and deal with a number of interviewers, the panel may observe how well such candidates can handle in future stressful situations.
6. Lunch (Breakfast) Interview
In general sense, lunch interview can be considered as the same as a regular held interview. The only difference is that lunch interview is more casual and as a result, you must behave formally in such a casual circumstance. Your manner is being observed carefully by the interviewers. So don’t let yourself out of the main track. This is an interview rather than a normal meal.
7. Behavioral Interview
Behavioral Interview involves a number of open-ended questions raised by the interviewers with purposes to find out about the candidates’ past behavior and determine which the outcome may possible be in the future. An important task of the interviewers in such an interview is to direct the candidates’ presentation of their skills and abilities toward past experience. If the candidates were able to handle such similar situations in the past, or at least were able to develop a solution to such situations from failure in the past, those may be suitable for current job. Critical skills and proper behavior are needed for each candidate.
STAR is short for a procedure, in which:
• S = Situation: describe the situation.
• T = Task: identify the goals you wish to achieve.
• A = Action: determine the action you should perform to reach such goals.
• R = Result: what is the result you expect?
8. Case Interview or Situational Interview
Case Interview is a rather popular interviewing technique used by many employers, especially those in consulting or financial firms like banks. The employers make up situation which the candidates are required to resolve. Such situation is normally relevant to the business of the company and the candidates are supposed to use their analytic skills to deal with this. Logic, common sense and calculation skills are necessary in a case interview.
9. One-on-One Interview
If you are taking a one-on-one interview, that means that you have certain skills and abilities that qualified for the job and your chance is very high now. Only one interviewer (usually the one who shall determine you are employed or not) shall talk with you personally. So, your job is now trying to persuade this person that you are the most suitable candidate for the job and to develop his or her support. And then you get the job, definitely.
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