Getting the proper man for the right job and developing him into an effective team member is an important function of every manager. Man power now appropriately called ‘Human resources’ is capable of producing an output that is greater than the sum of inputs. In order to rightly utilize the human resources in the service of organizational goals, every manager is expected to pay proper attention to recruitment, selection, and training activities in an organization. Proper promotional avenues must be also created so as to motivate people to peak performance. All these things, however, do not come by easily. It requires thorough planning and a certain amount of zeal and commitment involving right actions.
Human resource planning is essentially the process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. It is a system of matching the supply of people, existing employees and those to be hired for with openings the organization expects over a time period.
Human resource planning is a forward looking function. It tries to assess manpower requirements in advance keeping the production plans, market fluctuations, demand forecasts, etc. The manpower plan is subject to revision, of course and is tuned to the requirements of an organization from time to time. It is a part of the corporate plan and reflects the thinking of management about manpower needs within the organization. The focus of the plan is always on getting right number of qualified people into the organization at the right time. Manpower plans are prepared for varying time periods, i.e. short term plans covering a time frame of 2 years and long term plans covering a period of 5 or more years.
The basic purpose of having a manpower plan is to have an accurate estimate of the number of employees required, with matching skills requirements to meet organizational objectives. It provides information about the manner in which existing personnel are employed, the kind of skills required for different categories of jobs and manpower needs over a period of time. It would also give an indication of the lead time that is available to select and train the required number of additional manpower.
All organizations should identify their short run and long run employee needs by examining their corporate goals. Short range plans point out job openings that must be filled over a one year time frame and long range plans estimate HR needs over a three to five year time period.
The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure of an organization largely rests on the potential of the people working therein. Without positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and prosper. In order to achieve the goals of an organization, there is a need to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing so, we have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind.
Recruitment is a process which tries to bring together job seekers and the employer with a view to encourage the former to apply for a job with the latter. The basic purpose of recruiting is to develop a group of potentially qualified people. The organization must indicate the positions in such a way that job seekers respond. To be cost effective, the recruitment process should attract qualified applicants and provide enough information for unqualified persons so that they need not apply.
Corporations now-a-days are paying increasing attention to recruitment so that they can have the right kind of people having requisite skills, knowledge and experience. Every attempt is made to tailor the manpower recruitment plan to corporate objectives.
*Attract people with experience and varied skills
*Recruit fresh talent at every level in the organization.
*Take outsiders if required with new ideas to lead the company. .
*Locate people whose personalities match the company’s values. Anticipate and find the people for positions that do not exist yet.
*Search for talent globally, and not just within the country.
Policies should be stated in definite, positive, clear and understandable language. Policies should also be elaborately described and prescribe limits for future action.
Personnel policies should be stable enough to assure people that there will not be drastic overnight changes. They should be flexible enough to keep the organization in tune with the times.
There should be as many personnel policies as necessary to cover conditions that can be anticipated.
Personnel policies should be just, fair and do justice to internal as well as external groups. For example, a policy of recruitment from within, may limit opportunities to bright candidates from outside and a policy of recruitment from outside only would limit promotional avenues to promising internal candidates.
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