GOOGLE: Global Organisation Of Oriented Group Language of Earth 

APPLE:Asian Passenger Payload Experiment 

HP: Hewlett-Packard 

IBM:International Business Machines Corporation 

HCL: Hindustan Computer Limited 

WIPRO: Western India Product Limited 

GE: General Electronics 

INFOSYS: Information System 

TCS: Tata Consultancy Services 

AOL: American Online 

BPL: British Process Laboratory 

INTEL: Integrated Electronics 

CISCO: Computer Information System Company 

DELL: michael DELL 

SONY: Sound Of New York 

AMD: Advance micro devices 

LENOVO: LE(Legend),NOVO(New) 

COMPAQ: Compatibility And Quality

ESPN Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.

HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited

HCL Hindustan Computer Limited

HTC High Tech Computer Corporation

HP Hewlett-Packard

HMV His Master's Voice

HSBC Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

H&M Hennes & Mauritz

ICICI Bank Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank

IBM International Business Machines

Infosys Information Systems

Intel INTegrated ELectronics

IKEA Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd

ING International Netherlands Group

JVC Japan Victor Company

JBL James Bullough Lansing

KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken

L&T Larsen & Toubro

LG Lucky and Goldstar

LEGO leg godt

MRF Madras Rubber Factory

NEC Nippon Electric Company

Nikon Nippon Kogaku

Nissan Nippon Sangyo

P&G Procter & Gamble Company

SAP Systems Applications and Products

TCL Today China Lion

UPS United Parcel Service of America

Wipro Western India Palm Refined Oil Ltd

கருத்துரையிடுக Disqus
