GOOGLE: Global Organisation Of Oriented Group Language of Earth
APPLE:Asian Passenger Payload Experiment
HP: Hewlett-Packard
IBM:International Business Machines Corporation
HCL: Hindustan Computer Limited
WIPRO: Western India Product Limited
GE: General Electronics
INFOSYS: Information System
TCS: Tata Consultancy Services
AOL: American Online
BPL: British Process Laboratory
INTEL: Integrated Electronics
CISCO: Computer Information System Company
DELL: michael DELL
SONY: Sound Of New York
AMD: Advance micro devices
LENOVO: LE(Legend),NOVO(New)
COMPAQ: Compatibility And Quality
ESPN→ Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.
HDFC→ Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited
HCL→ Hindustan Computer Limited
HTC→ High Tech Computer Corporation
HP→ Hewlett-Packard
HMV→ His Master's Voice
HSBC→ Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
H&M→ Hennes & Mauritz
ICICI Bank→ Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation
of India Bank
IBM→ International Business Machines
Infosys→ Information Systems
Intel→ INTegrated ELectronics
IKEA→ Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd
ING→ International Netherlands Group
JVC→ Japan Victor Company
JBL→ James Bullough Lansing
KFC→ Kentucky Fried Chicken
L&T→ Larsen & Toubro
LG→ Lucky and Goldstar
LEGO→ leg godt
MRF→ Madras Rubber Factory
NEC→ Nippon Electric Company
Nikon→ Nippon Kogaku
Nissan→ Nippon Sangyo
P&G→ Procter & Gamble Company
SAP→ Systems Applications and Products
TCL→ Today China Lion
UPS→ United Parcel Service of America
Wipro→ Western India Palm Refined Oil Ltd
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