Winter comes and brings with itself cold and flu viruses- extremely bad news for babies. What makes it worse is that these viruses are contagious, and they spread fast as they are airborne. In such cases pulling your baby away from a sneezing or coughing or sniffling person is not enough. Neither is covering him up in layers of warm clothes. But you can take certain steps to prevent your baby from falling ill.

1. Wash your and your baby’s hands regularly: Washing your and your baby’s hands regularly is the easiest thing you can do to fend off cold and flu germs. It is essential for you to wash your hands after changing diapers, wiping a runny nose and before preparing your baby’s food. As for your baby, washing his before eating or after he comes back from an outing is an absolute must.

2. Vaccinating your baby: You can further prevent your baby from falling ill during the winter season by making sure all his vaccinations are up to date. Getting him an annual flu shot once he becomes 6 months old is necessary, as it protects your child from catching the flu virus.

3. Boost your baby’s immunity the natural way: You can breastfeed your baby regularly to boost his immunity. The American Academy of Paediatrics strongly advises breastfeeding our baby till he is one year old as it is the best way to provide complete nutrition and enhance the immunity of your baby. Breast milk contains minerals, vitamins and proteins that generate antibodies and help in fighting illnesses.

4. Take your baby out in the sun: Even if it’s outside, taking your baby out in the winter sun can do wonders for his immunity. Vitamin D of the sunlight is a very important part of the body’s immune response. Plus, the fresh air and sunlight can help kill all the germs you may have gathered while being cooped up inside. Just be sure to cover your baby well before taking him out.

5. Make sure your baby gets enough sleep: Inadequate sleep can nearly double the chances of your baby falling ill. Harley Robert, professor of paediatrics at the University of Colorado says that lack of sleep is directly related to the health of your immune system. So make sure your baby gets enough sleep, and be sure to put him to bed earlier if he has been around someone who’s sick.
If you follow these measures, then you can greatly reduce the chances of your baby falling ill this winter.

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