The earliest versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system were really just applications that ran on top of the MS-DOS operating system. There are lots of commands that can be typed in the command prompt.
This can be performed on the computer without using the Windows graphical interface. Today we have jotted down 5 hacks that you can use on DOS prompt.

1. Assoc
The quickest way to check your default file associations is the 'assoc' command. Just open a command prompt and type 'assoc' followed by the file extension.
2. Tree
If the user created a spiderweb of files and directories, it would be difficult to find and locate it. the tree command will write the entire directory structure, into the text file. To do this go to the directory you want to get the file structure of, and then type 'tree > myfile.txt'.
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3. FC
If you have two text files with different size, the file compare or 'fc' will identify and synchronize the file differences.
All you need to do is to type 'fc' followed by two names.
4. Command history
It is such a pain to press the up key to get to your previous commands. One other way you can view your past command is to use the doskey command.
5. Run Multiple Commands In One Go
Dos prompt has the ability to run multiple commands at once by linking them with two ampersands. User can link as many command they want.
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