A resume is an effective tool in promoting your skills to the recruiters and getting selected for your dream job.  But in this competitive world, many resumes have been failing to grab the attention of employers. Most of the resumes fail to grab the attention of employers due to the flaws in it.  If you follow below steps, it would help you in get short listing for your dream job.

•    Heavy text:  A resume with solid content and heavy text looks unprofessional. Your resume should not be lengthy with long notes. Set it accordingly in to two pages and skip the unrelated information if any. Remember that, your resume is not your biography sheet; it is a great marketing tool to present yourself in the job market.

•    Multiple fonts:  If your resume is written with different fonts and sizes it looks as you have copy- pasted the information from multiple sources. Maintain a single font throughout the resume to get attention of the recruiters. Don’t use it in caps mode, as it doesn’t looks well.

•    Unrelated career objective: Your career objective should reflect in your career goal clearly. Be specific to your job and stick to the basics.

•    Don’t lie: Background check is must for all jobs in these days and it will be done on the information provided by you. Highlight your strengths and weaknesses in an effective way to grab the attention of employers.

•    Image on Resume: Don’t insert your image on your resume, unless and until the employers asked for. Generally employer look for the skills required to complete the tasks, rather than good looking candidate.

•    Understating the skills:  Highlight the required skills you have and put them in bold to grab the attention of employers.

•    Work experience in chronological order: Never list out your work experience in a reverse chronological order. Review it many times to cross check on the same. Grammatically weak resume is not worth readable.

•    Including irrelevant information:  If you include the basic information like projects at the time of schooling and training programs you have undertaken if any. It is also important that not mentioning the details like your height, weight, marital status and other irrelevant details.

•    Use the industry jargon’s: Not using the important industry keywords and jargon’s to attract the employer. Use technical jargon’s as much as you can to prove yourself in the market.
If you follow above tips, you could avoid the flaws that occur in considering your resume seriously. Make sure that, your resume should be crisp, clear, concise, focused and credible.

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