• Don’t search for jobs when you are at office: Don’t use your office computer or searching at office for jobs. This is technology based world and your job search can be easily tracked with monitoring system. Even you delete the search history also don’t take risk by searching at office. In this day of open work-spaces, anyone passing by can probably view your computer screen and guess what you are upto. So it is not advisable to search from office for jobs.
• Update your profile regularly: Update your profile on job portals and social media regularly and make ensure that your posting on social media are reflecting your professional interests. If you don’t have social media profile also it will convey that you are not updated with current market trends. So keep updated and share professional in a regular way.
• Less active on online: It is not advisable to participle in discussion forums on online and sharing your thoughts daily. If you are jobless then it is somewhat advisable but if you are working then t won’t be too long before your boss will be questioning you about your plans. It is also not good to upload job profile on every job portal find online which is more visible to your boss.
• Be cautious while speaking on phones: Don’t schedule telephone interviews when you are office premises. There more chances of hearing your conversation and you may get in trouble. Most hiring managers will be happy to conduct a telephonic interview at a time convenient for you.
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